
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 5. Encapsulated bleb after first trabeculectomy


Schwartz, A.L., Van Veldhuisen, P.C., Gaasterland, D.E., Ederer, F., Sullivan, E.K., Cyrlin, M.N., Investigators, T.A.G.I.S.

The efficacy of live attenuated, cold adapted, trivalent, intranasal, influenza virus vaccine in children


Belshe, R.B., Mendelman, P.M., Treanor, J., King, J., Gruber, W., Piedra, P., Bernstein, D.I., Hayden, F.G., Kotloff, K., Zangwill, K., Iacuzio, I., Wolff, M.C.

The relationship between abnormal glucose tolerance and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in healthy nulliparious women


Joffe, G.M., , , Levine, R.J., Clemens, J.D., Ewell, M.G., Sibai, B.M., Catalano, P.M.

The relationship between the duration of storage of platelets and the development of transfusion reactions


Sarkodee-Adoo, C.B., Kendall, J.M., Sridhara, R., Lee, E.J., Schiffer, C.A.