
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.





An Examination of the Feasibility of Detecting Cocaine Use Using Smartwatches


Ertin, E., Sugavanam, N., Holtyn, A.F., Preston, K.L., Bertz, J.W., Marsch, L.A., McLeman, B., Shmueli-Blumberg, D., Collins, J., King, J.S., McCormack, J., Ghitza, U.E.

Design of the Buprenorphine Physician-Pharmacist Collaborative Care of Patients with Opioid Use Disorder.


Wu, L., Ghitza, U.E., Lewis, M., Matthews, A.G., Mannelli, P.

Fundus Autofluorescence Imaging in Macular Telangiectasia Type 2: MacTel Study Report Number 9.

2021 Mar 26

Pauleikhoff, L., Heeren, T.F.C., Gliem, M., Lim, E., Pauleikhoff, D., Holz, F.G., Clemons, T., Balaskas, K., Egan, C.A., Issa, P.Charbel

Dietary Nutrient Intake and Progression to Late Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Age-Related Eye Disease Studies 1 and 2

2021 Mar

Agrón, E., Mares, J., Clemons, T.E., Swaroop, A., Chew, E.Y., Keenan, T.

Impact of Decipher on use of post-operative radiotherapy: Individual patient analysis of two prospective registries.


Shahait, M., Liu, V.Y.T., Vapiwala, N., Lal, P., Kim, J., Trabulsi, E.J., Huang, H.C., Davicioni, E., Thompson, D.J.S., Spratt, D., Den, R.B., Lee, D.I.

Human antibody responses following vaccinia immunization using protein microarrays and correlation with cell-mediated and antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity responses.

2021 Mar 01

Frey, S.E., Stapleton, J.T., Ballas, Z.K., Rasmussen, W.L., Kaufman, T.M., Blevins, T., Jensen, T.L., Davies, H., Tary-Lehman, M., Chaplin, P., Hill, H., Goll, J.B.

Safety, Immunogenicity, And Efficacy Of Ndv-3a Against Staphylococcus Aureus Colonization: A Phase 2 Vaccine Trial Among Us Army Infantry Trainees

2021 05 27

Millar, E.V., Bennett, J.W., Barin, B., Carey, P.M., Law, N.N., English, C.E., Schwartz, M.M., Cochrane, T., Ellis, M.W., Tribble, D.R., Cooke, T., Hennessey, J.P.

Endpoints for randomized controlled clinical trials for COVID-19 treatments.

2020 10

Dodd, L.E., Follmann, D., Wang, J., Koenig, F., Korn, L.L., Schoergenhofer, C., Proschan, M., Hunsberger, S., Bonnett, T., Makowski, M., Belhadi, D., Wang, Y., Cao, B., Mentre, F., Jaki, T.

An observer blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase I dose escalation trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of an inactivated West Nile virus Vaccine, HydroVax-001, in healthy adults.

2019 07 09

Woods, C.W., Sanchez, A.M., Swamy, G.K., McClain, M.T., Harrington, L., Freeman, D., Poore, E.A., Slifka, D.K., DeRaad, D.E.Poer, Amanna, I.J., Slifka, M.K., Cai, S., Shahamatdar, V., Wierzbicki, M.R., Amegashie, C., Walter, E.B.