
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Viral Inhibition Assay: A CD8 T Cell Neutralization Assay for Use in Clinical Trials of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Vaccine Candidates


Spentzou, A., Bergin, P., Gill, D., Cheeseman, H., Ashraf, A., Kaltsidis, H., Cashin-Cox, M., Anjarwalla, I., Steele, A., Higgs, C., Pozniak, A., Piechocka-Trocha, A., Wong, J., Anzala, O., Karita, E., Dally, L., Gotch, F., Walker, B., Gilmour, J., Hayes, P.

A Phase 2 Study to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of a Recombinant HIV Type 1 Vaccine Based on Adeno-Associated Virus


Vardas, E., Kaleebu, P., Bekker, L., Hoosen, A., Chomba, E., Johnson, P., Anklesaria, P., Birungi, J., Barin, B., Boaz, M., Cox, J., Lehrman, J., Stevens, G., Gilmour, J., Tarragona, T., Hayes, P., Lowenben, S., Kizito, E., Fast, P., Heald, A., Schmidt, C.

A Phase III Equivalence Trial of Azithromycin vs. Benzathine Penicillin for Treatment of Early Syphilis


Hook, E., Behets, F., Van Damme, K., Ravelomanana, N., Leone, P., Seña, A., Martin, D., Langley, C., McNeil, L., Wolff, M.

Contemporary Cesarean Delivery Practice in the United States


Zhang, J., Troendle, J., Reddy, U., Laughon, S., Branch, D., Burkman, R., , , Haberman, S., Ramirez, M., Bailit, J., Hoffman, M., Gregory, K., Gonzalez-Quintero, V., Kominiarek, M., Learman, L., Hatjis, C., Van Veldhuisen, P., Labor, Con Safe

Developments in Clinical Cell Therapy


Stroncek, D., Berlyne, D., Fox, B., Gee, A., Heimfeld, S., Lindblad, R., Loper, K., Jr, M.K., Rooney, C., Sabatino, M., Wagner, E., Whiteside, T., Wood, D., Heath, M.

Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Results from the Autism Treatment Network


Kuhlthau, K., Orlich, F., Hall, T., Sikora, D., Kovacs, E., Delahaye, J., Clemons, T.

Immunization With Cocktail of HIV-Derived Peptides in Montanide ISA-51 Is Immunogenic, But Causes Sterile Abscesses and Unacceptable Reactogenicity


Graham, B., McElrath, M., Keefer, M., Rybczyk, K., Berger, D., Weinhold, K., Ottinger, J., Ferarri, G., Montefiori, D., Stablein, D., Smith, C., Ginsberg, R., Eldridge, J., Duerr, A., Fast, P., Haynes, B., Group, T.A.I.D.S.Vacci