
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Effect of Long-Chain ω-3 Fatty Acids and Lutein + Zeaxanthin Supplements on Cardiovascular Outcomes: Results of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) Randomized Clinical Trial


Bonds, D., Harrington, M., Worrall, B.B., Bertoni, A.G., Eaton, C.B., Hsia, J., Robinson, J., Clemons, T.E., Fine, L.J., Chew, E.Y., Group, T.Writing Gr

Evaluation of Observation-Fused Regional Air Quality Model Results for Population Air Pollution Exposure Estimation


Chen, G., Li, J., Ying, Q., Sherman, S., Perkins, N., Rajeshwari, S., Mendola, P.;

Internet-Delivered Treatment for Substance Abuse: A Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial


Campbell, A.N., Nunes, E.V., Matthews, A.G., Stitzer, M., Miele, G.M., Polsky, D., Turrigiano, E., Walters, S., McClure, E.A., Kyle, T.L., Wahle, A., Van Veldhuisen, P., Goldman, B., Babcock, D., Stabile, P.Q., Winhusen, T., Ghitza, U.E.

Lorazepam vs Diazepam for Pediatric Status Epilepticus: A Randomized Clinical Trial


Chamberlain, J., Okada, P., Holsti, M., Mahajan, P., Brown, K., Vance, C., Gonzalez, V., Lichenstein, R., Stanley, R., Brousseau, D., Grubenhoff, J., Zemek, R., Johnson, D., Clemons, T., Baren, J., PECARN), T.Pediatric

Multisite, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Buspirone as a Relapse-Prevention Treatment for Cocaine Dependence


Winhusen, T.M., Kropp, F., Lindblad, R., Douaihy, A., Haynes, L., Hodgkins, C., Chartier, K., Kampman, K.M., Sharma, G., Lewis, D.F., VanVeldhuisen, P., Theobald, J., May, J., Brigham, G.S.

Non Clinical Parameters Affecting Primary Cesarean Rates in the United States


Haberman, S., Saraf, S., Zhang, J., Landy, H.J., Branch, D.W., Burkman, R., Gregory, K.D., Ramirez, M.M., Bailit, J.L., Gonzalez-Quintero, V.H., Hibbard, J.U., Hoffman, M.K., Kominiarek, M., Lu, L., Van Veldhuisen, P., Von Gruenigen, V., Labor, Con Safe

Outcomes of Implants and Restorations Placed in General Dental Practices: A Retrospective Study by the Practitioners Engaged in Applied Research and Learning (PEARL) Network


Da Silva, J.D., Kazimiroff, J., Papas, A., Curro, F.A., Thompson, V.P., Vena, D.A., Wu, H., Collie, D., Craig, R.G.