
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Assessment of Viral Inhibition Activity in Low Seroprevalent Adenovirus-35 Vectored HIV Vaccines +/- Adjuvanted Protein or Electroporated DNA


Hayes, P., Fernandez, N., Omosa-Manyonyi, G., Mpendo, J., Karita, E., Ruzagira, E., Kilembe, W., Mutua, G., Anzala, O., Roman, F., Bourguignon, P., Barin, B., Eldridge, J., Egan, M., Hannaman, D., Schmidt, C., Fast, P., Priddy, F., Cox, J., Gilmour, J.

Best Method for Right Atrial Volume Assessment by Two-Dimensional Echocardiography: Validation with Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Ebtia, M., Murphy, D., Gin, K., Lee, P., Jue, J., Nair, P., Mayo, J., Barnes, M., Thompson, D., Tsang, T.S.

Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor for Macular Telangiectasia Type 2: Results From a Phase 1 Safety Trial


Chew, E.Y., Clemons, T.E., Peto, T., Sallo, F.B., Ingerman, A., Tao, W., Singerman, L., Schwartz, S.D., Peachey, N.S., Bird, A.C.

Clindamycin Versus Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole for Uncomplicated Skin Infections


Miller, L.G., Daum, R.S., Creech, C.B., Young, D., Downing, M.D., Eells, S.J., Pettibone, S., Hoagland, R.J., Chambers, H.F., Team, T.D.M.I.D. 0700

Clinical Safety and Immunogenicity of Two HIV Vaccines SeV-G(NP) and Ad35-GRIN in HIV-uninfected, Healthy Adult Volunteers


Karita, E., Anzala, O., Gazzard, B., Bergin, P., Nyombayire, J., Omosa, G., , , Dally, L., Barin, B., Inoue, M., Hara, H., Hironaka, T., Shu, T., Hasegawa, M., Matano, T., Sayeed, E., Parks, C., Ackland, J., Fast, P., Gilmour, J., Cox, J., Lombardo, A., Laufer, D.

Common Data Elements for Spinal Cord Injury Clinical Research: A National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke Project


Biering-Sorensen, F., Alai, S., Anderson, K., Charlifue, S., Chen, Y., DeVivo, M., Flanders, A.E., Jones, L., Kleitman, N., Lans, A., Noonan, V.K., Odenkirchen, J., Steeves, J., Tansey, K., Widerstrom-Noga, E., Jakeman, L.B.

DNA Priming for Seasonal Influenza Vaccine: a Phase 1b Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial


Ledgerwood, J.E., Bellamy, A.R., Belshe, R., Bernstein, D.I., Edupuganti, S., Patel, S.M., Renehan, P., Zajdowicz, T., Schwartz, R., Koup, R., Bailer, R.T., Yamshchikov, G.V., Enama, M.E., Sarwar, U., Larkin, B., Graham, B.S., Team, andThe V.R.C. 70