
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Impact of granulocyte contamination on PBMC integrity of shipped blood samples: Implications for multi-center studies monitoring regulatory T cells.

2017 10

Agashe, C., Chiang, D., Grishin, A., Masilamani, M., Jones, S.M., Wood, R.A., Sicherer, S.H., Burks, W., Leung, D.Y.M., Dawson, P., Sampson, H.A., Berin, C.

Symptoms and Satisfaction of Patients in the Patient-Reported Outcomes With Laser In Situ Keratomileusis (PROWL) Studies.

2017 Jan 01

Eydelman, M., Hilmantel, G., Tarver, M.E., Hofmeister, E.M., May, J., Hammel, K., Hays, R.D., Ferris, F.

Viral kinetics in untreated versus treated acute HIV infection in prospective cohort studies in Thailand.

2017 06 26

Ananworanich, J., Eller, L.Anne, Pinyakorn, S., Kroon, E., Sriplenchan, S., Fletcher, J.Lk, Suttichom, D., Bryant, C., Trichavaroj, R., Dawson, P., Michael, N., Phanuphak, N., Robb, M.L.

Visualization of Dietary Patterns and Their Associations With Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

2017 03 01

Chiu, C.J., Chang, M.L., Li, T., Gensler, G., Taylor, A.

Air pollution exposure during pregnancy: maternal asthma and neonatal respiratory outcomes.

2018 09

Seeni, I., Ha, S., Nobles, C., Liu, D., Sherman, S., Mendola, P.

Antibody responses among adolescent females receiving two or three quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine doses at standard and prolonged intervals.

2018 02 01

Widdice, L.E., Unger, E.R., Panicker, G., Hoagland, R., Callahan, T., Jackson, L.A., Berry, A.A., Kotloff, K., Frey, S.E., Harrison, C.J., Pahud, B.A., Edwards, K.M., Mulligan, M.J., Sudman, J., Bernstein, D.I.

Donor and recipient plasma follistatin levels are associated with acute GvHD in Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network 0402.

2018 01

Turcotte, L.M., DeFor, T.E., Newell, L.F., Cutler, C.S., Verneris, M.R., Wu, J., Howard, A., MacMillan, M.L., Antin, J.H., Vercellotti, G.M., Slungaard, A., Blazar, B.R., Weisdorf, D.J., Panoskaltsis-Mortari, A., Holtan, S.G.

Easy-to-Read Informed Consent Form for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Clinical Trials: Results from the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network 1205 Study.

2018 10

Spellecy, R., Tarima, S., Denzen, E., Moore, H., Abhyankar, S., Dawson, P., Foley, A., Gersten, I., Horwitz, M., Idossa, L., Joffe, S., Kamani, N., King, R., Lazaryan, A., Morris, L., Horowitz, M.M., Majhail, N.S.

Eye Tracking Results in Postconcussive Syndrome Versus Normative Participants.

2018 08 01

Wetzel, P.A., Lindblad, A.S., Raizada, H., James, N., Mulatya, C., Kannan, M.A., Villamar, Z., Gitchel, G.T., Weaver, L.K.