Resource Center
Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.
In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.
Neurovirological Correlation With HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders and Encephalitis in a HAART-Era Cohort
Gelman, B., Lisinicchia, J., Morgello, S., Masliah, E., Commins, D., Achim, C., Fox, H., Kolson, D., Grant, I., Singer, E., Yiannoutsos, C., Sherman, S., Gensler, G., Moore, D., Chen, T., Soukup, V.
Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Oral Hygiene: A Case-Control Study from Condor Dental PBRN
Hujoel, P., Barasch, A., Cunha-Cruz, J., Curro, F., Sung, A., , , , , Lindblad, A., Richman, J., Safford, M., Ship, J., Thompson, V., Williams, O., Yin, W.
Pediatric Kidney Transplant Practice Patterns and Outcome Benchmarks, 1987-2010: A Report of The North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies
Smith, J.M., Martz, K., Blydt-Hansen, T.D.
Performance of a Genomic Classifier that Predicts Metastatic Disease Progression in Men with Biochemical Recurrence Post Radical Prostatectomy
Ross, A.E., Ghadessi, M., Davicioni, E., Crisan, A., Buerki, C., Erho, N., Vergara, I., Haddad, Z., Mitra, A., Thompson, D.J.S., Triche, T.J., Schaeffer, E.M.
Periodontal Diagnosis Affected by Variation in Terminology
Martin, J.A., Grill, A.C., Matthews, A.G., Vena, D., Thompson, V.P., Craig, R.G., Curro, F.A.
Platelet-Oriented Inhibition in New TIA and Minor Ischemic Stroke (POINT) Trial: Rationale and Design
Johnston, S.C., Easton, J.D., Farrant, M., Barsan, W., Battenhouse, H., Conwit, R., Dillon, C., Elm, J., Lindblad, A., Morgenstern, L., Poisson, S.N., Palesch, Y.
Postoperative Hypersensitivity and its Relationship to Preparation Variables in Class I Resin-Based Composite Restorations: Findings from the Practitioners Engaged in Applied Research and Learning (PEARL) Network. Part 1
Berkowitz, G., Spielman, H., Matthews, A., Vena, D., Craig, R., Curro, F., Thompson, V.
Practice Based Research Networks Impacting Periodontal Care: PEARL Initiative
Curro, F.A., Thompson, V.P., Grill, A., Vena, D., Terracio, L., F, N.
Prime-Boost Interval Matters: A Randomized Phase 1 Study to Identify the Minimum Interval Necessary to Observe the H5 DNA Influenza Vaccine Priming Effect
Ledgerwood, J.E., Zephir, K., Hu, Z., Wei, C.J., Chang, L., Enama, M.E., Hendel, C.S., Sitar, S., Bailer, R.T., Koup, R.A., , , Nabel, G.J., Graham, B.S., Team, T.V.R.C. 310 St