
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Screen failure data in clinical trials: Are screening logs worth it?

2014 Aug

Elm, J.J., Palesch, Y., Easton, D., Lindblad, A., Barsan, W., Silbergleit, R., Conwit, R., Dillon, C., Farrant, M., Battenhouse, H., Perlmutter, A., Johnston, C.

Umbilical cord blood expansion with nicotinamide provides long-term multilineage engraftment.

2014 Jul

Horwitz, M.E., Chao, N.J., Rizzieri, D.A., Long, G.D., Sullivan, K.M., Gasparetto, C., Chute, J.P., Morris, A., McDonald, C., Waters-Pick, B., Stiff, P., Wease, S., Peled, A., Snyder, D., Cohen, E.Galamidi, Shoham, H., Landau, E., Friend, E., Peleg, I., Aschengrau, D., Yackoubov, D., Kurtzberg, J., Peled, T.

Use of opportunistic clinical data and a population pharmacokinetic model to support dosing of clindamycin for premature infants to adolescents.


Gonzalez, D., Melloni, C., Yogev, R., Poindexter, B.B., Mendley, S.R., Delmore, P., Sullivan, J.E., Autmizguine, J., Lewandowski, A., Harper, B., Watt, K.M., Lewis, K.C., Capparelli, E.V., Benjamin, D.K., Cohen-Wolkowiez, M.

Brief intervention for patients with problematic drug use presenting in emergency departments: a randomized clinical trial.

2014 Nov

Bogenschutz, M.P., Donovan, D.M., Mandler, R.N., Perl, H.I., Forcehimes, A.A., Crandall, C., Lindblad, R., Oden, N.L., Sharma, G., Metsch, L., Lyons, M.S., McCormack, R., Macias-Konstantopoulos, W., Douaihy, A.

Correlate of immune protection against HSV-1 genital disease in vaccinated women.

2014 Mar

Belshe, R.B., Heineman, T.C., Bernstein, D.I., Bellamy, A.R., Ewell, M., van der Most, R., Deal, C.D.

Effect of long-chain ω-3 fatty acids and lutein + zeaxanthin supplements on cardiovascular outcomes: results of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) randomized clinical trial.

2014 May

Bonds, D.E., Harrington, M., Worrall, B.B., Bertoni, A.G., Eaton, C.B., Hsia, J., Robinson, J., Clemons, T.E., Fine, L.J., Chew, E.Y.

Evaluation of observation-fused regional air quality model results for population air pollution exposure estimation.

2014 Jul 01

Chen, G., Li, J., Ying, Q., Sherman, S., Perkins, N., Sundaram, R., Mendola, P.