
Resource Center

Emmes possesses deep experience in clinical research which we leverage on behalf of our clients. It is through our collaborative efforts with you that Emmes has conducted over 2,150 clinical trials and published 2,300+ peer-reviewed articles.

In this section of our site, we share our experience and publications with you as a tribute to our ongoing collaboration.



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Immunogenicity and safety of four different dosing regimens of anthrax vaccine adsorbed for post-exposure prophylaxis for anthrax in adults.

2014 Oct 29

Bernstein, D.I., Jackson, L., Patel, S.M., Sahly, H.M.El, Spearman, P., Rouphael, N., Rudge, T.L., Hill, H., Goll, J.B.

Impact of body mass index on immunogenicity of pandemic H1N1 vaccine in children and adults.

2014 Oct 15

Callahan, T., Wolff, M., Hill, H.R., Edwards, K.M.

Internet-delivered treatment for substance abuse: a multisite randomized controlled trial.

2014 Jun

Campbell, A.N.C., Nunes, E.V., Matthews, A.G., Stitzer, M., Miele, G.M., Polsky, D., Turrigiano, E., Walters, S., McClure, E.A., Kyle, T.L., Wahle, A., Van Veldhuisen, P., Goldman, B., Babcock, D., Stabile, P.Quinn, Winhusen, T., Ghitza, U.E.

Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data with missing and left-censored time-varying covariates.

2014 Nov 20

Chen, Q., May, R.C., Ibrahim, J.G., Chu, H., Cole, S.R.

Lorazepam vs diazepam for pediatric status epilepticus: a randomized clinical trial.

2014 Apr 23-30

Chamberlain, J.M., Okada, P., Holsti, M., Mahajan, P., Brown, K.M., Vance, C., Gonzalez, V., Lichenstein, R., Stanley, R., Brousseau, D.C., Grubenhoff, J., Zemek, R., Johnson, D.W., Clemons, T.E., Baren, J.

No clinically significant association between CFH and ARMS2 genotypes and response to nutritional supplements: AREDS report number 38.

2014 Nov

Chew, E.Y., Klein, M.L., Clemons, T.E., Agrón, E., Ratnapriya, R., Edwards, A.O., Fritsche, L.G., Swaroop, A., Abecasis, G.R.

Randomized trial of the ForeseeHome monitoring device for early detection of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. The HOme Monitoring of the Eye (HOME) study design - HOME Study report number 1.

2014 Mar

Chew, E.Y., Clemons, T.E., Bressler, S.B., Elman, M.J., Danis, R.P., Domalpally, A., Heier, J.S., Kim, J.E., Garfinkel, R.A.

Safety and tolerability of chikungunya virus-like particle vaccine in healthy adults: a phase 1 dose-escalation trial.

2014 Dec 06

Chang, L.J., Dowd, K.A., Mendoza, F.H., Saunders, J.G., Sitar, S., Plummer, S.H., Yamshchikov, G., Sarwar, U.N., Hu, Z., Enama, M.E., Bailer, R.T., Koup, R.A., Schwartz, R.M., Akahata, W., Nabel, G.J., Mascola, J.R., Pierson, T.C., Graham, B.S., Ledgerwood, J.E.

Semen quality and time to pregnancy: the Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment Study.

2014 Feb

Louis, G.M.Buck, Sundaram, R., Schisterman, E.F., Sweeney, A., Lynch, C.D., Kim, S., Maisog, J.M., Gore-Langton, R., Eisenberg, M.L., Chen, Z.